Occupational physiotherapy improves working capacity and shortens sick leaves
Our occupational physiotherapists advise and guide you to treat and prevent musculoskeletal disorders. We also teach you to lessen work strain through ergonomics.
Occupational physiotherapists make visits to the workplace to evaluate the working environment as well as offer courses and education on the topic.
Firstbeat Life well-being analysis
You can get a Firstbeat Life well-being analysis from our occupational physiotherapists. Firstbeat Life helps every employee to make better choices when it comes to their health and well-being. Employees can regularly follow the reactions of their body and find the best means to improve their well-being. Firstbeat Life helps to understand for example how busy work meetings or the everyday life of a parent strain the body, and how restorative your sleep actually is. The information gives you means to improve the balance between stress and recovery.